Paul’s Eczema
Skin Story
“You have to own the situation and say, this is me”
This is Skin Stories, where we get under the skin of what it’s like to live with certain skin conditions – from eczema to psoriasis. It’s a safe space where real people share the relationship that they have with their skin, along with their management tips and solutions. Here, Paul, 42, shares what it’s like to live with eczema on his hands, arms and legs.
Meet Paul

Paul experiences eczema in those all-too-common areas of the skin including his hands and the creases of his arms and legs.
Have you ever felt held back by having eczema?

Paul has often worn long-sleeved t-shirts in the summer months to hide his eczema and gets a lot of comments about that: “It can be embarrassing, but I try to have a positive attitude”.
As Paul has gotten older, he’s learned to feel much more confident in his skin and knows how best to take care of it to avoid or effectively manage flare-ups.
Top tips for soothing your skin

To help manage his symptoms, Paul regularly applies creams and focuses on keeping his core body temperature down. He is very active and likes to ride his bike, but the sweat can aggravate his eczema. Taking the time to cool down properly and use a cool flannel really helps. Running his hands under cold water or taking off a layer can also help.
Due to his active lifestyle, Paul finds that his eczema symptoms are worse in the warmer months compared to the winter months.
Advice for feeling comfortable in your skin

Being an active person who likes to ride and play tennis, Paul often wears Lycra shorts. “People do stare and have a glance at it, but it’s not really that bad. You kind of have to own the situation and just say, this is me.”